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HC - ES22 - Anteater
ES22 - Anteater
Price: Register for Pricing

Detailed Description

HC-ES22 - Anteater. The long-snouted, bushy tailed anteater is one of the most curious animals in all nature. Giant anteaters walk on the knuckles of their front feet to protect the long, sharp claws that they use to dig for ants and especially termites. After they tear into nests, they will use their 10 inch long tongue to probe deeply for food. Their black stripes are surprisingly effective camouflage and guide their young to cling to their back as they do in the first months of life. Their South American habitat is endangered by the logging of native forests.

Features beautifully carved pendant that is one of twenty seven species that are either endangered or at risk. Highconcepts makes story-carded, recycled, American Made, leadfree pewter pendants. Each pendant comes with a display card that has the characteristics of each animal and the reason they are endangered. MINIMUM order is 3 pcs per style chosen.

Highconcepts has a $100 minimum and cannot be combined with Light Stones items to meet either minimum.